Saturday, July 26, 2008

New Digs

Small post with a minor update on what's going on in my life.

When I first started working at the Auburn Athletic Department as a GA almost two years ago, the "IT Office" was actually a computer lab open to the students.  A few months ago we got a little more privacy by moving into an unused office down the hall, but because it was so small we mostly used it for storage and still spread things we were working on across the lab.

DSC02511 Well all that is over.  As part of all the new construction going on around the department, we wound up with some proper office space.  It is located in the partially unfinished basement of the building that we affectionately refer to as "The Dungeon".  It was previously occupied by the building manager, who has moved out to a trailer on the construction site of the new basketball arena.  It is very industrial, with exposed pipes and bare brick walls.  It is divided into two areas by a wall that only goes halfway up to the 20 ft. ceilings.

But it is spacious and private, and perfect for us.  So I have uploaded some pictures to my Picasa account for your enjoyment, and I will gladly give a tour to anyone who will be visiting the loveliest village this fall for a football contest.


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12/18/2018 10:05:00 PM  

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