Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Happy All Saint's Day

I meant to post this last night, being Halloween and all, but I forgot.

Anyway, I was in Auburn this past weekend for the Ole Miss game and of course to see the Dude who was gracing everyone with his presence.  That evening, I went to a couple of Halloween parties (one at Joel and Kristi's, one at Jessi and Ian's, great times at both!).  They were costume parties, and I hadn't really planned or been working on a costume in advance, so I couldn't do anything as cool as my Black Mage outfit from a couple of years ago.  However, I may have come up with my most creative costume ever.

I bought a child's tiger costume from Wal-Mart.  I stuffed it with clothes and a sheet, and tied it to my waist with my belt.  I then took a white T-Shirt and with a black Sharpie I wrote the letters BCS.

So, for Halloween, I was the BCS screwing Auburn.

It was well received.


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